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By: Samuel Mancas

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Samuel Mancas

Are you tired of feeling stuck in a mediocre mindset or life? Do you yearn to break free from the mental barriers that hold you back from reaching your true potential as a leader or father? Look no further than Entrenched, my premier coaching business dedicated to helping you ascend through life's challenges.

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Who do i work with?

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Men looking to become the best version of themselves for their family.

Dad with baby girl

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Leaders looking to find breakthrough and uncover the next level in their leadership journey.

Female Leader

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While I do have a target demographics, I am happy to work with any person that is ready to challenge themselves and grow.

Less Than Symbol
lonely person looking away

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Dad and son outdoors

Are you a dad feeling overwhelmed and unsure about how to navigate the challenges of fatherhood? Look no further than Entrenched Coaching, the solution to all your parenting woes!

As an experienced coach, and dad, I specialize in working with dads to develop their skills and confidence necessary to become the best father possible. I understand that parenting can be tough, but with my personalized coaching sessions, you'll learn how to effectively communicate with your children, build strong relationships, and create a nurturing home environment.

With Entrenched Coaching, you'll benefit from a tailored approach to coaching that takes into account your unique situation and challenges. I will work with you to develop a customized plan that addresses your specific needs and goals, helping you achieve success in both your personal and professional life.

So why wait? Join the growing number of dads who have turned to Entrenched Coaching to improve their parenting skills and become the best dad possible. Contact me today to learn more and take the first step towards a brighter future for you and your family.

Senior Team leader

As a leader, you're constantly faced with challenges that require you to be at the top of your game, but sometimes it can be hard to know where to turn for guidance and support. That's where Entrenched Coaching comes in.

With over 7 years of leadership development experience, I know what it takes to succeed in today's fast-paced and ever-changing business world. I work with leaders like you to develop the skills and strategies necessary to thrive in your role.

My personalized coaching sessions are tailored to your specific needs and goals, ensuring that you receive the guidance and support you need to achieve success. Whether you're looking to improve your communication skills, build stronger relationships with your team, or develop a strategic vision for your organization, I've got you covered.

At Entrenched Coaching, I believe that leadership development is an ongoing process. That's why I provide ongoing support and coaching to help you stay on track and continue to grow and improve as a leader.

So if you're ready to take your leadership skills to the next level, contact Entrenched Coaching today. I am ready to help you achieve your goals and become the best leader possible.

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Human Eye

Are you feeling stuck in your personal or professional life? Are you looking to improve your skills, develop new habits, and achieve your goals? Look no further than Entrenched Coaching.

I specialize in working with everyday people who are looking to improve their lives. Whether you're seeking to enhance your career, build stronger relationships, or simply become a better version of yourself, I am here to help.

My personalized coaching sessions are tailored to your specific needs and goals, ensuring that you receive the guidance and support you need to achieve success. I'll work with you to develop a customized plan that addresses your unique challenges and helps you overcome any obstacles in your path.

At Entrenched Coaching, I believe that everyone has the potential to achieve greatness. That's why I provide ongoing support and coaching to help you stay on track and continue to grow and improve in all areas of your life.

So if you're ready to take the first step towards a better future, contact Entrenched Coaching today. I am ready to help you achieve your goals and unlock your full potential.

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Why Coaching?

With over five years of leadership development experience, and a CTA coaching certification, I have the knowledge and expertise to guide you on your journey to personal growth and success. My unique approach focuses on digging deep into your mindset and identifying the root causes of your limiting beliefs, habits, and routines. From there, we work with you to develop practical strategies and actionable steps to overcome those obstacles and achieve your goals through life changing conversations that will break down the old and build new thoughts, habits and routines that will set you on your way.

At Entrenched, I believe that true transformation starts from within. My coaching services are designed to help you unlock your full potential, whether you're looking to improve your leadership skills, advance your career, or simply live a more fulfilling life. I offer a range of personalized coaching packages tailored to your specific needs and goals, so you can get the support you need to succeed.

So why wait? If you're ready to break free from mediocrity and embrace the life you deserve, contact Entrenched today. Let us help you dig your way to success and become the best version of yourself.

Free Coaching Session

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Free coaching session

Scheduling a free video coaching session with Entrenched can be a powerful tool to help a new client discover if coaching is the right fit for them. This 30-minute call provides an opportunity for the client to connect with an experienced coach who can offer guidance and support on a variety of personal and professional challenges. During this call, the coach will listen to the client's concerns and goals, and work with them to develop a plan for achieving their desired outcomes.

One of the key benefits of scheduling a free coaching session with Entrenched is that there are no strings attached. This means that the client can explore the coaching process without any obligation to commit to a longer-term coaching relationship. The coach will provide valuable insights and tools that the client can use immediately to start making progress towards their goals.

The free coaching session is also an opportunity for the client to start the path to a better version of themselves. The coach can help the client identify areas for growth and development, and offer strategies for overcoming obstacles and achieving success. Whether the client is seeking to improve their career, relationships, health, or personal fulfillment, the coach can provide the support and guidance needed to make meaningful changes.

Overall, scheduling a free video coaching session with Entrenched can be a transformative experience for a new client. It provides a safe and supportive environment for exploring personal and professional goals, and offers the opportunity to start making positive changes immediately. With no strings attached, there is nothing to lose and everything to gain by taking the first step towards a better you.



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Startup Package

We build financial models you can pitch

to investors

Wealth Management

We deliver thoughtful investment advisory services

Sam is a daily coach even with the friends he mentors. He pushes people around him to be better through his words and lifestyle. He won't take weakness as an answer and he pushes people to become stronger despite the challenges in front of them.

As with any really good coach, he sees the best in people even when they can't see it themselves.




When I think of Sam's coaching style there are a few words that are staples to me:

1. Adaptive/Personal: Each person gets coached to their specific needs. He is in tune enough with them to know what they need to hear and how.

2. Caring: He does it from a true heart of care. That care sometimes is celebrating a win with them and other times showing tough love that they need to hear.

3. Vision: He sees the person for what they can be and not who they are. He is great at casting vision for them and laying out a plan of how that works for them.



Executive Director

What makes Sam so effective as a coach is how he is able to make any situation coachable and make it personal with the individual he is coaching.

The way he can reach everyone at the personal level is what inspires many of us to be great.

No matter who he is coaching, he is knowledgeable and educational. He explains the why’s and how’s. I have seen him take young leaders that have a dream and give them a path and the tools on how to follow the path to the finish line. What impresses me most about his coaching is how he takes the time and is able to evaluate where a young leader is in the present and give them tools to grow without fear of unrealistic expectations. He often mentions “seek discomfort” but does a good job of explaining how seeking discomfort continues our growth gradually instead of being too aggressive and taking on unrealistic challenges that a young leader may not be ready for.

It’s his passion to see others develop and grow, that allows him to be successful in the points I made earlier.




The power of a word

Teaching leaders in a Leader Lunch in 2022

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At Entrenched, I firmly believe in the immense transformative power of words. I understand that a single word or conversation has the potential to change the course of one's life forever. That is why I hold myself to the highest standards when it comes to the language we use.

Our logo is a testament to my belief in the power of words. It is a simple yet elegant design that represents the profound impact that words can have. I understand that words have the power to uplift and inspire, but they can also be used to hurt and damage. That is why I approach every conversation, every interaction, and every piece of content with the utmost care and consideration.

I have extensive experience in public speaking, having shared my message in various settings, from churches to leadership seminars. My passion lies in teaching others about the transformative power of discomfort and the value of suffering. I firmly believe that suffering can be a catalyst for change, rather than a harbinger of doom. By stewarding our suffering correctly, we can not only transform our own lives but also those of our families and communities.

As leaders, I also have a particular interest in sharing the message of servant leadership. I believe that kindness and compassion are some of the most undervalued qualities in a leader, and we are passionate about spreading this message to organizations and churches.

If you are looking to set up a speaking engagement for your church or organization, we would be honored to share our message with you. Contact us today, and let us work together to inspire change and transformation through the power of words.

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leadership talks

How do we find the value in our suffering?

V - Victory: Through valuing our suffering, we can achieve victory over our circumstances and emerge stronger and more resilient.

A - Acceptance: Valuing our suffering requires us to accept it as a necessary part of our journey, rather than trying to avoid or resist it.

L - Love: Just as Jesus demonstrated his love by willingly submitting to the cross, we can show love for ourselves and others by valuing the lessons we learn through suffering.

U - Understanding: Valuing our suffering also means seeking to understand its purpose and meaning, rather than simply trying to endure it.

E - Empowerment: By valuing our suffering and using it to learn and grow, we can empower ourselves to face future challenges with greater wisdom and resilience.



H - Humility: A true servant leader is humble and recognizes that they are not above anyone else. They are willing to serve others and put the needs of the team before their own.

U - Understanding: A servant leader seeks to understand the needs, concerns, and perspectives of their team. They are attentive listeners and take the time to learn about the people they serve.

M - Mindful: A servant leader is mindful of their actions and decisions, taking into account the impact they have on others. They are intentional in their approach and strive to make a positive difference in the lives of those around them.

B - Bold: A servant leader is not afraid to take risks and step out of their comfort zone. They are bold in their pursuit of justice, fairness, and equality for all.

L - Love: A servant leader operates from a place of love and compassion. They genuinely care about the well-being of their team and seek to create a supportive and uplifting environment.

E - Empathy: A servant leader is empathetic towards others, putting themselves in their team's shoes and understanding their experiences. They strive to create a culture of empathy and understanding, where everyone feels valued and heard.


The entrenched


This book is currently being written and I plan to publish in 2025.

I would love to share your story. Please contact me so we can connect


Introducing Entrenched Charity Foundation

United in Change

Introducing Entrenched Charity Foundation's "United in Change" - a revolutionary initiative that aims to address the growing issue of homelessness in our communities. Our mission is simple: to take deserving homeless people off the streets, provide them with food, jobs, and housing, and integrate them fully into society within three years.

At Entrenched: United in Change, we believe that every person deserves a chance to rebuild their lives and achieve their full potential, regardless of their current circumstances. That's why we aim to partner with local businesses to create a sustainable and effective model that ensures the success of our clients.

We start by identifying homeless individuals who are willing to work hard and take steps towards self-sufficiency. We then provide them with food, shelter, and job training to help them get back on their feet. As they gain more skills and experience, we work with our network of businesses to find them permanent employment opportunities.

But our support doesn't stop there. Over the course of three years, we gradually give them more responsibilities, including bills and financial management, to help our clients transition into independent living. We also provide ongoing support and counseling to ensure they have the tools and resources they need to thrive.

Through our holistic approach, Entrenched: United in Change aims to break the cycle of homelessness and create a brighter future for those in need. By working together with our community partners, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who are often forgotten and overlooked.

Join us in our mission to make a positive impact and help transform the lives of those in need. Together, we can build a stronger, more united community.

Support The Mission

How can you help?




There are many ways you can help the Entrenched Foundation's charity "United in Change" in their mission to provide jobs, housing, and food to homeless individuals and help them integrate into society.

Here are some examples:

Jobs: If you are a business owner or employer, you can partner with United in Change to provide job opportunities to homeless individuals who are willing to work hard and rebuild their lives. By offering jobs and job training, you can help these individuals gain valuable skills and experience, which can lead to long-term employment and financial stability.

Housing: You can also help United in Change by providing housing or donating funds to support their housing initiatives. This can include providing temporary shelter, donating funds for affordable housing projects, or even offering your own rental property to house a homeless individual in need.

Food: You can donate food or funds to support United in Change's efforts to provide meals to homeless individuals. This can include volunteering at a local soup kitchen or food bank, donating non-perishable food items, or even providing financial support to help purchase food for those in need.


As a seasoned leader and coach with a degree in graphic design and ICF certification, I have dedicated years to developing both individuals and leaders alike. My half-Cuban heritage fuels my passion for helping others unlock the limitless potential within themselves. Coaching has been ingrained in me since childhood, where I constantly supported and encouraged my friends to overcome any obstacles they faced.

I am driven by the desire to make a positive impact in my community and leave a lasting legacy. With almost a decade of Chick-fil-A leadership experience, I have been personally mentored by one of the most visionary operators in the industry, gaining valuable insights and expertise in team-building, brand development, and customer service.

My ultimate goal is to build a formidable brand that transcends beyond commercial success, as I aim to create a better world by empowering others to realize their full potential. Through a charitable initiative that serves my community, I aspire to be the catalyst for positive change and bring hope to those in need.

In my personal life, I am happily married to my wife, whom I met through a modern-day classic, Bumble. We recently welcomed our beautiful son into the world, and while he may be a handful, our love for him knows no bounds. As a leader and coach, I strive to bring the same level of dedication and passion to my work as I do to my family.

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